Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why does Yahoo suspend your account when you can just create a new one?

I just did.|||Good question,since one of my naughty contacts actually sent me a mail to say they had blocked her IP address so she couldn't make another account.I think if you really piss them off,this is what they do.|||Because they're a pain in the ***.

Sometimes I create accounts and say whatever I want not really caring whether it's against the rules....Wait nvm, that's every account.

It's annoying when you get suspended over an answer to a question that should also be suspended but never is.|||Just to slow you down for a few minutes otherwise you might get carried away under a level 6 or 7 account and asked dumb questions all day long. Starting over limits how much damage you can do in a day|||if you get enough suspended you cannot make one again right away.

trust me, I've had to have others make them for me in the past. hehe. they also have to get it to level 3 for me before I can ask on it..|||Yahoo suspended me everyday. They FINALLY stopped. But yeah I just kept making new ones|||Cuz yahoo is on his period every single day 卢卢|||Yahoo is an idiot.|||They think they can demoralize you by making you start all over again.....I don`t have morals when it comes to Yapoo so it doesn`t matter.|||i don't know...but it pays to have a back up account anyway....just in case!!|||because yahoo is run by retards .|||This is my 55th account!,,dont ask me.|||because yahoo is stupid|||lol stupid yahoo|||cos there like that account 30 right here!%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;|||I think it would be very difficult to get rid of anyone completely.|||you should know by now that yahoo is stupid|||People do this on Youtube aswell.|||im confused|||Me too.|||To make you think they're in control.|||Exactly, good for you! Go girl!|||It's stupid.

I think that they should just take all your points or something.|||Well I suppose it caused you a little bit of inconvenience. But be a nice girl, huh?

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