Thursday, December 15, 2011

Are yahoo answers right to brand my father a racist and suspend his account ? serious answers please?

My father is a teacher, and was very disturbed to see the panorama programme, on how some saudi schools teach sharia law in England. In which the cutting of hands and feet, and other executions are taught to young muslim children. Was my father wrong to ask why this is going on, and is he racist, as some of the com-mentors obviously never saw this programme, but were to quick to brand my father a racist, and get his yahoo answers closed.|||Your father had a right to be concerned and to express his concern respectfully and in the form of a question on Y!A.|||On first viewing this question my initial thought was, "how dare yahoo answers do that", but because you haven't shown the question your father posed (I'm guessing it may have not been saved by your father) it's hard to say really, as he may have written it in such a way that Muslims could have been very offended by it. The other thing to take into consideration here is, they may have deleted the question because they were concerned about an 'incident' going out of control, knowing how extremist muslims can react like these days.

Also, did they actually state that they thought your father was a racist? Or is this just your assumption to why they deleted his question?

And no, I don't think your father is a racist, but i can't be 100% sure without seeing the original question posed by him, how it was written etc.|||Having not seen the original text of your fathers question opens the way for a lot of possible answers. With your father being an educator one couldsee his concerns for the childrens mental and physical well being.One would also need to consider the culture,because all have aspects that not everyone can agree on but might have to accept. No I personally don't think it's wrong to question why something is the way it is. that my friend is how changes are brought about. Look at slavery in America, Someone asked "WHY". As to the question is your father a racist , only he can truly answer that and it has to come from within "GOOD or BAD" To some degree all people are racist they just won't openly admit it. This is 1 persons opinion.|||Assuming you told the whole, unbiased story:

How is that racist? Muslim is not a race; it is a religion. Also, I believe that it would be illegal in England to cut off someones hand or execute them for breaking a muslim law. Correct? So they are teaching something illegal is what I am getting out of it.|||Racisim is the unjustified prejudice against a race of people. This accounts for most race related prejudice.

If it's justified however, that's a completely different matter.

For instance, haircare products are often made for people of a certain race. Not to discriminate, but to provide what is most relevant to the customer. Is this racism? No.|||We live in this world and it is governed by mankind.

The governance of mankind by himself results in decisions being made to try and govern fairly.

The more fairly mankind tries to govern the more unfair it will get towards different groups.

Suppression of opinion is one way of governing people, it might not be fair, but it may well prevent hate crimes.

Study the prophets and understanding the true identity of Western peoples and you will begin to understand why this has happened and why it will probably get worse.|||there appears to be some confusion about how things get deleted and suspended. I'm assuming that it takes a few report monkeys to generate a deletion, and a bunch of deletions to get a suspension.

Not sure why even being a racist would get someone deleted, I used to live in a country that claimed to have this thing called free speech. But I do understand trying to keep forums civil.|||This Yahoo's house. They make the rules. They can do what they want. Was that his first question? Did they tell him that was why? How do you know that?|||most stuff critical to muslims seems to get censured. I guess the people at Yahoo are worried about having a fawta declared against them or something like that.

They will probably censure us though too, so read fast.|||He was just criticizing the religious practices and not the race, right. He doesn't deserve this punishment.|||Was he using that to make general claims about all Muslims or the religion of Islam? Because if he was, then yes, it was racist.|||Who cares?|||If that is all he said he should appeal and get his answer reinstated!|||No that is not racist|||hey it happens to those who ask racist ques..

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