Monday, December 12, 2011

How many violations can you have before they ban/suspend your account?

I think I've racked up quite a few, but obviously not enough to get me suspeneded.

I'm a level 2 btw, if that factors in at all..|||The Yahoo statement is that one or more trusted reporters must report a question or answer for it to be deleted. You can appeal and if the appeal is upheld the reporter loses some credibility. It takes a number of violations to get someone suspended, the exact number would vary dependant on the severity of the violations.|||It depends on how good/bad the violations are. Trust me, I have experience from three suspended accounts. But it's much worse if you receive a violation from the Yahoo! Answers team themselves than just report abuses from random people. My old top contributor, Pikachu, got suspended after about...30 violations? 40? But a troll hacked my account, so I'm pissed off....|||It really depends on how bad your violations are and how often you get them .鈥?/a>


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