Monday, December 12, 2011

I'am recieving emails from a Company claiming to be Yahoo threatening to suspend my account if I do not log on

This Company is using Yahoo insigna and demands me to log on or they will suspend my account sounds like a scam.|||DO NOT reply. This is a phishing scam attempting to get you to give them all your personal info. It's not from Yahoo, just delete it and ignore it. Good luck and be careful.|||yes it does me to done do it unless u go directly to the yahoo site|||I've recieved these once in a while.

Generally speaking they are phishing scams.

phishing is where they trick you into visiting a page that is a replica of the one you're supposed to be going to so that they may log your credentials. (steal your account)

There are several standard techniques, especially suceptible to this is Internet Explorer, as it has ways built into it (that will not be mentioned here) that allow the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) AKA: The address, and the page you are visiting to be seperated. (In otherwords, you'll see or some such at the top of your page, but actually be on some other duplicated site.)

The other version of this is usually to have a very similar site name, such as or etc. The minor changes can be easilly overlooked until it's too late, or in many cases the common user does not even look at the top bar.

In cases like these delete the message, ALWAYS delete the message, wether you believe it's legit or not. Assume it isn't. If it included special instructions, keep a copy of the instructions.

Then manually type in the address and log in to the site with which you hold an account they are claiming will be shut down.|||i havent heard of yahoo suspending accounts before

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